
Lincoln School of Film, Media and Journalism

Scrutinise. Entertain. Innovate.


We have forged a reputation for excellence built on outstanding facilities, a diverse portfolio of programmes, and strong relationships with the creative industries. We aim to equip you with the skills, knowledge and experience required for a successful career in the competitive marketplace.

Our courses place an emphasis on practical production informed by theory. From the outset, you'll begin producing original material and have access to professional-standard equipment and resources. 

Employability is at the heart of everything we do. We have strong links with media and film organisations including, the BBC, ITV, Panasonic, Sky, Adobe, BAFTA, the Royal Television Society, and the British Film Institute, which create opportunities for work experience and networking. Our international partnerships with universities across Europe, the USA, China, South East Asia, Australia, and Latin America, facilitate exciting overseas study opportunities.

New Media Lincs, a creative business based within the School, provides opportunities for paid work experience and support in developing CVs, showreels, portfolios, and contacts in preparation for industry. Campus-based media include our digital audio platform, the School's web TV news service LSJNews, and our students' own newspaper, The Linc

Our dedicated, caring, and accomplished staff are here to help you thrive and succeed. We hope to meet you soon at an Open Day.

Professor Mette Hjort
Head of Lincoln School of Film, Media and Journalism 


The Lincoln School of Film, Media and Journalism offers specialist facilities, professional-standard equipment and creative spaces for students to develop their skills in preparation for their future career.