

Recent Publications

Best, D, Hamilton, S, Hall, L & Bartels, L (2021) Justice Capital: A Model for Reconciling Structural and Agentic Determinants of Desistance. Probation Journal, 1-18, DOI: 10.1177/02645505211005018

Brooker, C. and Sirdifield, C. (2024). Best practice in working with people with mental health problems on probation. London: Clinks (Available at: ).

Brooker C., Sirdifield, C., and Parkhouse, T. (2022) ‘Identifying mental illness and monitoring mental health in probation service settings’. European Journal of Probation 14(3): 179-203.

Brooker C., and Sirdifield, C. (Eds) (2023) Probation, mental health and criminal justice. Towards equivalence. London: Routledge.

Collinson, B and Hall, L (2021) The Role of Social Mechanisms of Change in Women’s Addiction Recovery Trajectories. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, DOI: 

Ellis, A (2022) Tick, Tock, Boom! A Critical Forecast on Violence in Post-Pandemic UK. Journal of Contemporary Crime, Harm and Ethics. 2(1), 24-41.

Ellis, A Briggs, D Lloyd, A Telford, L (2021) A ticking time bomb of future harm: Lockdown, child abuse and future violence. Abuse: An International Impact Journal. Vol 2, Issue 1, pp. 37-48

Gous, G., Azoui, M., Kramer, R. S. S., & Harris, A. (2022). The effects of witness mental illness and use of special measures in court on individual mock juror decision-making. Psychology, Crime and Law, 1-34. 

Gous, G., & Wheatcroft, J.M. (2020) Directive leading questions and preparation technique effects on witness accuracy. Sage Open, 1-12.

Groenewegen, P., Dirkzwager, A., van Dam, A., Massalimova, D., Sirdifield, C., Smith, L., & EFPC working group on Prison Health (2022). The health of detainees and the role of primary care: Position paper of the European Forum for Primary Care. Primary Healthcare Research & Development23, e29. .

Hall, L and Harris, L (2022). The Gendered Weight of Desistance and Understanding the ‘Love of a Good Woman: Desistance Emotional Work. Probation Journal.

Harrison, K., L'Hoiry, X. and Santorso, S., (2021) Exploring the impact of body-worn video on the everyday behaviours of police officers. The Police Journal: Theory, Policy and Practice. ISSN 0032-258X.

Harrison, K. and Ryder N. (2022) The Law Relating to Financial Crime in the UK, 3rd edn, Oxford: Routledge.

Harrison, K., Smith, L., Mason, R., Nichols, H., Saunders, G., and Hall, L.  (2022) ‘A decency agenda of a different sort: the health and wellbeing of prison governors and operational managers’, in M. Leech (ed) The Prisoners Handbook, Section 5, 1184-1187.

Hunt, K (2022) ‘Non-religious prisoners’ unequal access to pastoral care’, International Journal of Law in Context, 18(1) 116-131.

Hunt, K (2021) ‘Bereavement Behind Bars: Prison and the grieving Process’, Prison Service Journal, 254, 17-23.

Kramer, R. S. S. & Gous, G. (2020). Eyewitness descriptions without memory: The (f)utility of describing faces. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(3), 605-615.

Kramer, R. S., Hardy, S. C., & Ritchie, K. L. (2020). Searching for faces in crowd chokepoint videos. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(2), 343-356.

Mason, R., Smith, L., Hall, L., Saunders, G., Harrison, K., and Nichols, H. (2022) ‘Being a maverick: the challenges of prison governor authority’, Independent Monitor, November, 10-12.

Mason, R., Smith, M., Onwuegbusi, T. and Roberts, A (2022). New Psychoactive Substances and Violence within a UK Prison Setting. Substance Use and Misuse, 57 (14), 2146-2150.

Nichols, H. (2021). Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men: (Re)education. London: Routledge.

O'Reilly, C (2022). ‘Doing the right thing? value conflicts and community policing’. Policing and Society 33 (1), 1-17.

O’Reilly, C., Agnew-Pauley, W., and Lundrigan, S. (2022) ‘Restoring public confidence through the delivery of improved community policing in Rackhamshire’. Safer communities.

Ritchie, K. L., Carragher, D. J., Davis, J. P., Read, K., Jenkins, R. E., Noyes, E., ... & Hancock, P. J. (2024). ‘Face masks and fake masks: the effect of real and superimposed masks on face matching with super-recognisers, typical observers, and algorithms’. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9(1), 5. 

Ritchie, K. L., Cartledge, C., Growns, B., Yan, A., Wang, Y., Guo, K., ... & White, D. (2021). ‘Public attitudes towards the use of automatic facial recognition technology in criminal justice systems around the world’. PloS one, 16(10), e0258241.

Sirdifield C., Nichols, H., and Mullen, P. (2022) ‘Probation and COVID-19: Lessons learned to improve health-related practice’. Probation Journal 69(2): 216-234.

Sirdifield, C., Parkhouse, T., & Brooker, C. (2024). 'A systematic scoping review of measures of the quality of health and social care for adults in the criminal justice system: Learning for the probation service'. Probation Journal, 0(0).

Sirdifield, C., Parkhouse, T., Brooker, C., & Law, G. (2024). 'Testing and refining an approach to identifying health and social care needs in probation'. Probation Journal, 0(0). 

Sirdifield, C., Parkhouse, T., Mullen, P & Nadia (Peer Researcher). (2024). 'The characteristics of high-quality health and social care for people on probation: Professional and lived experience perspectives'. Probation Journal, 0(0).

Smith, L.  (2022).  Surviving Not Living:  Lived Experiences of Crime and Gambling.  The Howard League for Penal Reform. 

Smith, L., Mason, R., Harrison, K., Nichols, H., Hall, L., and Saunders, G. (2022) “Just get on with it”: A qualitative exploration of the health and wellbeing of prison operational managers and Governor grades. Project report for the Prison Governors Association.

Smith, L.R., Sharman, S., & Roberts, A.  (2022). 'Gambling and crime:  An exploration of gambling availability and culture in an English prison'.  Criminal Behaviour and Mental health, 1-15.   .

Smith, L., Sharman, S. & Roberts A.,  (2023).  Gambling and Gambling Treatment in Prisons.  In  

Smith, M. (2022) The impact on staff of trauma-informed working. In P. Wilmott & L. Jones (Eds.), Trauma-Informed Forensic Practice. Routledge.

Travis, M. & Hunt, K. (2024) 'The road to R v R: How feminist campaigners abolished the marital rape exemption', Criminal Law Review 3, 154-164.