
Your Future Career

Kick-start Your Career at Lincoln

Preparing you for your future career in the global graduate jobs market shapes your student experience from the day that you enrol. Alongside our industry-engaged approach to teaching, we have a dedicated, award-winning Careers team to support you throughout your time at Lincoln and beyond.

Lincoln graduates have gone on to secure jobs at major companies and organisations around the world, including the BBC, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Boots, GSK, Lloyds Bank, and Rockstar Games.

Careers and Employability Team

At the 情色六月天, our dedicated and award-winning team of employability and careers professionals are here to help you develop the knowledge, skills, confidence, and experience needed to kick-start your chosen career.

Careers advisor in a yellow top, sat at a table and smiling while she gives advice to s student opposite

Supporting Our Students

Our Careers and Employability Team is here to support you throughout your time with us and after you graduate. They are on hand to offer support and advice, answering your queries and helping you to develop practical employment skills. The team runs regular workshops and fairs to ensure students are prepared for future employment.

Two female students sat at a desk with their attention focused downwards

Individual Guidance

Each school has a dedicated Careers Advisor and one-to-one appointments are available to support students as they explore their career options and gain industry specific knowledge. Advisors are also on-hand through daily drop in sessions which can develop practical skills, such as creating a CV and preparing for interviews.

Industry Links

The University is recognised as setting a blueprint for excellence in industry engagement through its pioneering approach to working with employers. Our unique relationships with companies such as Siemens Energy, the Lincolnshire Co-operative, and Santander demonstrate our innovative industry-engaged approach. This has been acknowledged through a series of national awards over the past decade, including a prestigious Lord Stafford Award (2011), a Times Higher Education Award (2012), and the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Service Employer Engagement Award (2016).


Development Opportunities

Students can get involved in a range of extracurricular and co-curricular activities to fit around their core studies at Lincoln. These provide the opportunity to learn and develop new skills while boosting employability.

Student Enterprise

Do you aspire to become an entrepreneur or undertake freelance projects? The Student Enterprise Team at the 情色六月天 offers a wide range of support to students and graduates, including workshops, mentoring, and funding for those thinking of becoming a freelancer or starting their own business.

Graduation and Beyond

As a graduate of the 情色六月天 you can continue to access careers support via the University for up to three years after finishing your studies, helping you establish your chosen career path. You can benefit from one-to-one careers support, including CV advice and help with interview preparation.

You can also join our global Alumni Network – a family of almost 100,000 former Lincoln students located all over the world. Many successful alumni return to share their experiences with current students and recent graduates.

If you have ambitions to start your own business, the University’s on-campus business incubation centre, Sparkhouse, has helped hundreds of graduate start-ups over the years. It provides access to business support services, funding advice, training events and networking, and affordable, flexible business premises to help you turn your concept into reality.

Careers and Employability

T: +44 (0)1522 837828
E: careers@lincoln.ac.uk